Workshops & Classes

Enhance Your Life!

 All of the classes and workshops offered are designed to enhance your life by providing practical tools and techniques for stress relief, personal growth, and improved well-being.

Join us and discover the transformative power of our offerings!

Flexible Learning Options: Our workshops can be attended either in person or virtually, while Bars and Facelift classes are exclusively in-person experiences.

Private Workshops: We offer private workshops tailored for groups, whether friends, coworkers, or any other gathering. Additionally, you can book private Bars or Facelift sessions for your group.

Custom Requests: Have a specific class or date in mind? Feel free to request a class or a particular date that suits your schedule.

Unlock Your Potential: The Access Bars® Certification Class

Are you ready to transform your life and unlock your true potential? Join our Access Bars® Certification Class, a powerful and dynamic workshop designed to release the limiting beliefs, thoughts, and emotions that hold you back. Access Bars® is a gentle, hands-on technique that involves lightly touching 32 points on the head, corresponding to different aspects of life. These points store the electromagnetic components of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs that you have ever had about anything.

In This Class, You Will:

  • Learn the fundamentals of Access Bars® and how it works.
  • Experience a full Access Bars® session, both giving and receiving.
  • Discover how to use this technique to reduce stress, anxiety, and negative thought patterns.
  • Gain practical tools and insights to create more ease, joy, and abundance in your life.
  • Connect with like-minded individuals in a supportive and nurturing environment.
  • Receive certification to perform Access Bars® sessions for others, expanding your healing practice.

Who Should Attend: Anyone looking to make positive changes in their life, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. No prior experience is necessary.

Class Details:

  • Duration: One full day
  • Includes: Comprehensive manual, light refreshments, and certification upon completion.

Join us for this transformative class and start your journey towards a happier, more fulfilling life!

Rejuvenate Inside and Out: The Access Energetic Facelift® Certification Class

Are you looking for a natural, non-invasive way to look and feel younger? Our Access Energetic Facelift® Certification Class offers a revolutionary approach to rejuvenating your appearance and enhancing your overall sense of well-being. This technique uses energy healing to lift and revitalize your face, while also creating similar effects throughout your body.

In This Class, You Will:

  • Learn the Access Energetic Facelift® technique and how it works.
  • Receive and practice the Facelift® process, allowing you to give and receive sessions.
  • Discover how this technique can improve skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, and promote a youthful glow.
  • Understand the connection between your inner state and outer appearance.
  • Gain insights into how to maintain and enhance your results over time.
  • Receive certification to perform Access Energetic Facelift® sessions for others, adding a valuable service to your wellness offerings.

Who Should Attend: Anyone interested in natural beauty and holistic wellness. No prior experience is necessary.

Class Details:

  • Duration: One full day
  • Includes: Comprehensive manual, light refreshments, and certification upon completion.

Experience the magic of the Access Energetic Facelift® and embrace a more youthful, radiant you!

Find Your Calm: The Ultimate Stress Relief Workshop

In today’s fast-paced world, stress is an all-too-common experience that can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Our Stress Relief Workshop is designed to provide you with powerful tools and techniques to manage and reduce stress effectively. Whether you’re dealing with daily pressures or significant life challenges, this workshop offers practical solutions to help you regain control and find your calm.

In This Workshop, You Will:

  • Explore the science of stress and its impact on the body and mind.
  • Learn the Cortices Technique from the BodyTalk System to balance brain function and improve stress resilience.
  • Practice mindfulness and breathing exercises to promote relaxation and mental clarity.
  • Discover lifestyle changes and habits that support long-term stress management.
  • Engage in interactive activities and discussions to deepen your understanding and practice of stress relief techniques.

Who Should Attend: Anyone experiencing stress, anxiety, or seeking ways to improve their mental and physical well-being. Suitable for all levels.

Workshop Details:

  • Duration: 1.5 to 2 hours
  • Includes: Comprehensive workbook, light refreshments, and access to additional resources.


Take control of your stress and enhance your well-being with our transformative Stress Relief Workshop.

Transform Your Relationship with Aging: Beyond Aging Workshop

Are you ready to create a totally different possibility with your body when it comes to aging? Our Beyond Aging Workshop is designed to help you melt away the judgments you have about your appearance and embrace a new way of being with your body.

In this transformative class, you’ll learn how to change your perspective and remove the limitations that prevent your body from regenerating itself indefinitely. This introductory workshop is facilitated by certified Access Consciousness Facelift Facilitators and offers a comprehensive approach to understanding and transcending the aging process.

What You Will Learn:

  • Beyond Aging: Explore new possibilities for your body beyond traditional concepts of aging.
  • What is Aging?: Gain a deeper understanding of the aging process and how it affects your body.
  • How Old Have You Decided Your Body Is?: Challenge the beliefs and decisions you’ve made about your body’s age.
  • The Ideal Age: Discover your body’s ideal age and how to align with it.
  • Aligning and Agreeing or Resisting and Reacting to Aging: Learn to recognize and release patterns of resistance and reaction to aging.
  • Judgment: Understand the role of judgment in aging and how to move beyond it.
  • The Access Energetic Facelift: Introduction to the Access Energetic Facelift, a powerful technique to rejuvenate your appearance and energy.
  • Access Energetic Facelift Class: Information on how to further your learning with the Access Energetic Facelift Class.

Workshop Details:

  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Includes: Mini-manual and hands-on activities

Who Should Attend: This workshop is perfect for anyone who wants to redefine their relationship with aging and embrace a more youthful, vibrant way of living. No prerequisites are required.

Join Us for a New Beginning! Step into a space where you can see and be with your body in a whole new way. By attending the Beyond Aging Workshop, you’ll open the door to endless possibilities for rejuvenation and vitality.

Sign Up Today! Take the first step towards a more vibrant you. Reserve your spot in the Beyond Aging Workshop and start your journey to a more youthful, empowered self.

How Different Are You Willing to Be? Workshop

Discover the Power of Your Uniqueness

Most people spend a lot of their time and energy trying their best to be normal and fit in. Are you one of those people? How is that working for you? What would your life be like if you started to fit out rather than fit in?

You bring something to this world that nobody else does! Is now the time to discover that? Time to be happier than you ever imagined? Welcome to a transformative class based on the book Pragmatic Psychology, Practical Tools for Being Crazy Happy by Susanna Mittermaier.

Workshop Overview:

  • Embrace Your Uniqueness: Spend time exploring how fitting in has limited your true potential. Discover the freedom that comes from embracing your uniqueness.
  • Interactive Learning: Your facilitator will guide you through the book with an accompanying worksheet designed to help you uncover and celebrate your differences.
  • Self-Discovery: Learn how being different is the key to creating a life that truly works for you. Explore how your unique capacities and creativity can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Break Free from Norms: Understand the societal pressures to be “normal” and how they affect your happiness. Learn strategies to break free from these limitations.
  • Celebrate Differences: Embrace the idea that being different is a strength, not a weakness. Discover how your unique qualities can be a source of joy and creativity.
  • Practical Tools: Gain practical tools and exercises to help you navigate a world that often values conformity. Learn to thrive by being authentically you.

Workshop Details:

  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Format: Interactive sessions with hands-on activities and practical exercises
  • Materials: Includes a mini-manual based on Pragmatic Psychology by Susanna Mittermaier

Join Us and Discover Your Difference: If you are ready to stop fitting in and start creating a life that truly works for you, this workshop is for you. Register now and take the first step towards a happier, more authentic you!

Unlock the Possibilities: CREATE! More Time, More Money, More Joy

Are you ready to transform your life, work, and business into a joyful, creative, and abundant journey? Join us for the CREATE! More Time, More Money, More Joy workshop, based on the inspiring book Joy of Business by Simone Milasas. This class is designed for anyone who wants to create something entirely different for themselves and the planet.

What You Will Learn:

  • Transformative Perspectives: Gain new insights on how to approach your life, work, and business creatively and joyfully.
  • Creating Your Reality: Understand how to actively shape your life rather than letting it be dictated by the projections of this reality.
  • Business as a Creative Force: Discover how your business or work can be a powerful force for change and creativity in your life.
  • Tools and Techniques: Learn practical tools and techniques to generate more time, money, and joy in your everyday life and professional endeavors.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Daily Choices: Each day, you have the choice to create your life or let it be created by external expectations. This workshop will help you take charge of your choices.
  • Breaking Free from Limitations: If you feel stuck in a conventional or limited way of doing business or living, this workshop offers a path to break free and embrace new possibilities.
  • Joyful Living: Embrace a life, work, and business filled with joy and creativity. Learn to view challenges as opportunities and create a fulfilling, abundant life.

Workshop Details:

  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Format: Interactive sessions with hands-on activities and practical exercises
  • Materials: Includes a mini-manual based on the Joy of Business book by Simone Milasas

Join Us and Start Creating: If you are ready to step out of limitations and embrace a life full of possibilities, this workshop is for you. Register now and take the first step towards creating more time, more money, and more joy in your life and business!

So, Are You a Fish? Unlocking the Potential of ADD, ADHD, OCD, and Autism

What if the labels we commonly use – such as autism, OCD, ADD, and ADHD – are not disabilities at all? What if, instead of judging these conditions, we started asking questions and discovering new possibilities?

Welcome to “So, Are You a Fish? A Different Perspective on ADD, ADHD, OCD, and Autism,” a transformative workshop designed to help you see beyond the traditional labels and embrace a new way of understanding. This workshop is based on the book Would You Teach a Fish to Climb a Tree? by Anne Maxwell, Gary M. Douglas, and Dr. Dain Heer.

A New Approach to Engagement

Using simple tools, processes, and questions, this class will guide you to create a different kind of engagement with children and adults who have been labeled with these so-called disabilities. You will learn to perceive and receive the world from their unique perspective rather than trying to make them fit into predefined norms.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Understanding Autism, OCD, ADD, and ADHD from a different perspective
  • Recognizing these conditions as abilities, not disabilities
  • Creating engagement based on the individual’s way of perceiving the world
  • Practical tools and questions to facilitate better interaction
  • Moving beyond judgment to discovery

Why Attend This Workshop?

Children and adults labeled with ADD, ADHD, OCD, and autism often struggle to fit into the traditional molds set by educational and medical communities. This workshop challenges those norms and encourages you to see the genius in every individual. By exploring beyond the labels, you can help others recognize their true potential and live more fulfilling lives.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Interactive Learning: Engage with like-minded individuals and explore new perspectives together.
  • Mini Manual: Receive an accompanying mini manual to guide you through the workshop and beyond.

Join Us and Discover a New Perspective: Imagine a world where we celebrate differences instead of trying to eliminate them. In this workshop, you will gain insights and tools to help you, your family, and your community embrace a new understanding of ADD, ADHD, OCD, and autism. Let’s move beyond labels and judgments to create a more inclusive and empowering world for everyone.

Ready to embark on this journey of discovery? Sign up for “So, Are You a Fish? A Different Perspective on ADD, ADHD, OCD, and Autism” today and start seeing the world through a whole new lens.